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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

You know its God's love when you feel it with someone and don't even remember there name. You get tears in your eyes when you see them because of Gods great love for them. The Holy Spirit just unites hearts and causes great friendships. It could be months before you spoke with this one person, but you feel that love in your heart for that person when you see them. I think of David and Johnathon, a brotherly and caring love for each other. Scripture says, one who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. I pray for more friends in our lives that are good company and bring out the best in our characters. There is a sweetness to the soul added when you find true love and care for another. Its the heart of God to love willingly and unselfishly.

Meditate Prov. 27:9


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