God richly bless all the saints here, we start this journey together, a million years from today...and have only just begun! Aaaaleluyaaaa
05:08:09 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone:
Reacted to "God richly bless all…" with ❤️
05:08:23 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone:
Reacted to "God richly bless all…" with 📖
05:08:27 From Dennis Thicklin to Everyone:
Reacted to "God richly bless all…" with 🙏🏾
05:12:45 From Harry to Everyone:
Good morning brother,
Topic: Daniel Chapter 10-11-12
Summary: Daniel sees another vision, this one involving some major conflict. Most interpreters believe this is what shakes Daniel enough to go into mourning. What he saw will be explained in greater detail in chapters 11 and 1. That vision is explained or elaborated on in chapters 11 and 12. Strictly speaking, the specific timing and reason of Daniel's fast it not provided; it could be the vision that caused his mourning or it could be that Daniel was already in mourning when he saw the vision. Whatever the case, he was certainly deeply troubled (Daniel 10:1–3).
05:22:39 From Juan Wyatte to Everyone:
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Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund:
05:44:13 From Harry to jack(direct message):
Good morning brother,
Topic: Daniel Chapter 10-11-12
Summary: Daniel sees another vision, this one involving some major conflict. Most interpreters believe this is what shakes Daniel enough to go into mourning. What he saw will be explained in greater detail in chapters 11 and 1. That vision is explained or elaborated on in chapters 11 and 12. Strictly speaking, the specific timing and reason of Daniel's fast it not provided; it could be the vision that caused his mourning or it could be that Daniel was already in mourning when he saw the vision. Whatever the case, he was certainly deeply troubled (Daniel 10:1–3).
05:51:15 From victor perez vip3 to Everyone:
pray for our nation, pray for a smooth transition of power that began with the fathers of our great nation, pray for our spiritual leaders, the enemy would like nothing more than to sift our leaders like wheat! but we pray send protection of our leaders in church, unity in our nation.
Meeting summary for Manny Ramos's Personal Meeting Room (10/29/2024)
Quick recap
The meeting began with personal health updates and a Bible reading and prayer session led by Harry. The group then delved into a study of the Book of Daniel, focusing on the importance of prayer, fasting, and self-denial, and shared personal experiences and struggles. The discussion also touched on the current political climate, the importance of prayer and unity, and the need for Christians to stand firm in righteousness amidst challenging times.
Next steps
• Victor to order a new phone and install Covenant Eyes on it.
• Leadership team to plan a face-to-face gathering for the men's group.
• Elvin to send links for Hangry Joe's Nashville Chicken and Code Natures to the group chat.
• Dennis to contact Elvin about potential coding opportunities for his son.
• Harry to coordinate with Manny about practicing songs for potential performances.
• Manny to follow up with Jack one-on-one to offer encouragement and support.
• Leadership team to consider Victor's suggestion of recording and posting the full Zoom sessions on YouTube.
• Victor to develop his biscuit-making skills as a potential ministry tool.
• Group members to pray about and consider using Covenant Eyes or similar accountability software.
• Manny to work on improving the YouTube algorithm for better visibility of their content.
• Group to explore opportunities for ministering through music at small churches or businesses.
• Victor to attend his doctor's appointment.
• Group to continue studying the Book of Daniel in the next session.
• Patrick to coordinate with Manny about potentially hosting a gathering at his house.
• Group members to pray for the nation and upcoming elections.
Health Issues and Bible Reading
The meeting began with Manny and iPhone discussing their health issues. Manny then welcomed Harry and Dennis to the meeting. There was a discussion about a shirt that Dennis received from Manny, which he found to be of poor quality. Manny assured him that they would take his feedback into consideration for future purchases. The meeting then shifted to a Bible reading and prayer session led by Harry. The session was filled with music and hymns, and Harry also led a prayer for the group. The conversation ended with a discussion about a song that was played during the session.
Victory of Jesus and Daniel Study
In the meeting, the group began with a prayer led by Harry, followed by a reading from Colossians 2. Manny then led the discussion, emphasizing the victory of Jesus over the enemy and the fear of death. The group then moved on to their study of Daniel, with Manny asking the leaders to split the reading of chapters 10 and 11 to save time. The conversation ended with a reminder of the upcoming Monday praise and encouragement sessions.
Reading and Discussing Daniel's Vision
In the meeting, Manny led the group in reading and discussing chapters 10, 11, and 12 of the book of Daniel. The group focused on the vision Daniel had, which involved a major conflict and was elaborated on in chapters 11 and 12. They also discussed the interpretation of the vision and its potential impact on Daniel. The group then proceeded to read and discuss specific verses from these chapters, with each member taking turns to read. The discussion was open-ended, allowing for questions and commentary from the group.
Exploring Prayer, Fasting, and Self-Denial
In the meeting, Manny led the group in a discussion about the Book of Daniel, focusing on the importance of prayer, fasting, and self-denial. The group shared their personal experiences with fasting and prayer, with Elvin and Harry expressing their commitment to continue fasting and praying. The discussion also touched on the power of prayer and the importance of seeking God's guidance and wisdom. The group ended the conversation with a prayer session, led by Juan and Dennis, and a call to continue seeking God's guidance and wisdom.
Victor's Evangelizing Journey and Support
Victor expressed his gratitude for God's guidance and support in his life, acknowledging the challenges he faces due to his physical disability. He shared his experiences of evangelizing and seeking God's favor, emphasizing the importance of prayer and self-denial. Victor also discussed his plans to continue spreading the word of God, despite the resistance he faces from his own mind and flesh. Manny and Dennis offered their support and prayers for Victor, encouraging him to continue his evangelizing efforts. The conversation ended with a prayer for Jack, who shared his personal struggles and sought support from the group.
Support and Prayer for Difficult Times
Jack shared his struggles with the recent loss of a friend due to drug addiction and his girlfriend's health issues, which included a high risk of miscarriage. He expressed his need for prayer and support during this difficult time. The team then came together for a prayer session, led by Manny, to offer comfort, strength, and guidance to Jack. David Fry and Dennis also shared their prayers for Jack and Victor, respectively, focusing on overcoming pride and seeking healing. The team expressed their love and support for each other, emphasizing the importance of prayer and brotherly love in times of need.
Emphasizing Humility and Fellowship in Faith
In the meeting, the participants shared their thoughts and prayers, expressing gratitude and humility. They emphasized the importance of remaining humble and relying on God for strength and guidance. They also discussed the need for fellowship and support, with plans to gather together for prayer and other activities. The conversation also touched on the importance of prayer, faith, and waiting for the Holy Spirit's guidance. The participants ended the conversation with a sense of unity and a shared commitment to their faith.
God's Presence in Everyday Life
The group discusses meeting at Golden Corral and praying together. Elvin shares about a young brother he disciples who recently opened a successful fried chicken restaurant called Hangry Joe's Nashville Chicken in Wesley Chapel. The group reflects on seeing God's presence in everyday places and interactions. They discuss the importance of letting God's goodness shine through them to reach others. Victor then leads the group in singing a song about following God's spirit. Afterwards, they discuss how God can help people facing various life challenges, emphasizing that while everyone faces similar problems, believers have God to rely on.
Accepting Jesus and Covenant Eyes
Victor shared a personal experience of a man coming to his door and leading him to accept Jesus. Dennis connected this to a Bible verse about Jesus knocking on the door and the power of the Holy Spirit. Manny then sang a song about being different and being changed by the fire of God. Victor suggested having a ceremony where everyone installs covenant eyes on their devices to protect their eyes and be accountable. Manny agreed to discuss this with the leaders. Elvin shared his friend's testimony of overcoming addiction and starting a business, and encouraged the group to pray for him. Manny expressed his belief that God is bringing the group together for a powerful experience. The conversation ended with Dennis and Elvin planning to share information about a potential coding opportunity.
Prayer, Unity, and Spreading Faith
The team discussed the importance of prayer and unity, particularly in the context of the upcoming US election. They expressed a desire to support businesses and communities through prayer and song, with a focus on spreading the message of God's love. The idea of forming a singing group to perform at small churches and businesses was proposed, with the aim of sharing their faith and potentially leading people to accept Jesus. The team also discussed the need to practice and prepare for these performances.
Navigating Divisive Politics and Persecution
Victor, Dennis, and Manny discuss the divisive rhetoric and lack of civility in the current political climate. They lament the insults and name-calling between candidates and express hope that people can find peace amidst the chaos. Manny shares his concern that as moral standards decline, it will become increasingly difficult to argue for biblical values. He warns that Christians may face persecution for their beliefs as sin multiplies. The group encourages one another to stand firm in righteousness, seek God's face, and rely on His power during these challenging times.