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Friday morning live zoom battle prayer

Friday morning zoom battle prayer link:

5:00am-6:00am. Come and go as you can.

Battle music link for the morning:

Battle prayer notes available after session:

Battle prayer notes 5/26/23

Day three topic: You Please God by having faith. Trust and obey.

Judges 7:14-25

Heb. 10:38-39

And my righteous ones will live by faith. But I will take no pleasure in anyone who turns away.” But we are not like those who turn away from God to their own destruction. We are the faithful ones, whose souls will be saved.

Gideon's strategy involves several elements:

  1. Surround the Midianite camp with a line of men a few hundred feet apart. This way the enemy will feel like they are being attacked from all sides.

  2. Attack late at night to surprise and confuse the enemy. The beginning of the middle watch would be about 10 pm.1

  3. Sound trumpets (shofars) from 300 different directions. Trumpets were used in battle to sound the charge or retreat, much as bugles were used in the American Civil War. Usually one trumpet would be sounded to direct each company of soldiers. When the enemy hears 300 trumpets they imagine that a huge army is attacking them.

  4. Break pottery jars. The jars serve two purposes: (1) to hide the light of the torches until the right time and (2) to create a great deal of noise upon shattering in order to confuse the enemy.2

  5. Raise torches. Torchlights suddenly appearing all around the Midianite camp underscore the impression of being surrounded and induce panic.

  6. Shout a battle cry, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon." 300 men shouting a battle cry from diverse directions adds to the fear and panic of the enemy.

Can you imagine the faith, the sheer nerve -- Yiddish chutzpah -- it requires of Gideon and his 300 courageous men to plan to rout an army of 135,000 in this fashion? Gideon is either very crazy or else very sure that it is God's voice he is hearing, being careful to obey God in every respect.

The Midianite army panics and, unable to see in the dark and running into each other, begin to strike each other down with their swords. Many are killed by their comrades right in the camp. Those fortunate enough to escape this slaughter flee as fast as they can go. Now Gideon calls upon fighters from the tribes of Naphtali, Asher, and Manasseh to help him capture and destroy the remaining Midianites.

Trust and obey God. Let us not murmur against God and his plan for our lives. Guard our tongue.

Trust in every word that comes from the mouth of God. The victory is ours and walk in the blessings.

Gideon listened and God spoke to him the victory.

Listen and then apply the word of God resulting in equipping.

Without faith, it is impossible to believe God’s Word and obey it.

As you stand strongly like that, always pray for God's help. Pray about everything as God's Spirit helps you to pray. For this purpose, watch carefully all the time. Also, continue to pray for all God's people everywhere. ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭18‬ ‭

God is spirit. People who worship him must worship from their spirits in a true way. John‬ ‭4‬:‭24‬

A wicked person runs away even when nobody is chasing him. But a righteous person is as brave as a lion. Proverbs‬ ‭28‬:‭1‬ ‭

The importance of praising God is that the angels sing with us and echo our faith.

LORD send your legions of angels to protect the broken and lost heart.

So you should tell each other about any wrong things that you have done. Then you will be able to pray for each other, so that God makes you well again. When a good person prays to God, God does powerful things.”

‭‭James‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭

I will ask the Father to help you with this. He will send another Helper to be with you. That Helper will stay with you for ever. ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭16‬

We are empty vessels filled with the fire of Holy Spirit. Empty us of our pride so that we can be filled with holy fire!

Without a genuine conviction that God exists, it is impossible to have an intimate relationship with Him. Second, the Lord’s followers must believe “that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” This aspect of faith trusts in the character of God as a good, loving, generous, gracious, and merciful Father.These two certainties are the groundwork of saving faith—a faith that pleases God.

The champions of the Old Testament like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Joseph, Rahab, Gideon, and David all lived by faith. As they looked toward their future hope, they relied on God to fulfill His promises. And they obeyed God’s Word even when they did not understand it. This kind of walking by faith—accepting as truth the things we cannot yet touch, feel, or see, and then acting on them in obedience—is the prescription for living a life that pleases God. We may not see ourselves right now as God does—holy and made righteous by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But when we accept the evidence in God’s Word. and reach out in response to experience fellowship with Him, then we begin to live by faith, and that pleases God.

God is revealing through the Cross that love is greater than pride.

God chooses what is weak. This will bring shame to what is strong. Gideon’s army had no military skill. They could only blow a *trumpet and they could only break a jar. Then they shouted. Their attack came about two hours before midnight. Most of the soldiers from Midian were sleeping then. Those that had just come on duty had just woken up. The men from Midian heard the sound of the *trumpets. There were shouts. And there were the sounds when the people were breaking the jars. Because of their fear, Midian’s soldiers fought against each other. They ran away to the east. They went down the valley and then they went over the Jordan river. All the towns in the list were on the other side of the river. Zererah was 10 miles south from the place where they went. Abel Meholah was 6 miles east and Tabbath was about 7 miles south-east.

Thank you for another great day of zoom battle prayer.



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