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Friday morning zoom battle prayer 1/26/24

Friday morning zoom battle prayer is on! Let’s do this! New week, new theme with new topics. Come join with brothers in Christ and let’s grow together in the knowledge of Jesus. The LORD is raising up men that understand the times they are living in and want to pursue stronger relationship with God and each other.

This new week we are continuing our series.

Overall Theme: Practicing the Presence of God. Read Book together.

Topics: 1. Pray to the name of the Father 2. Pray to the name of the Son. 3: Pray to the Holy Spirit. 

God, the creator of the universe, is everywhere. It’s mind-blowing to ponder—God’s center is everywhere, while God’s circumference is nowhere, as philosophers and poets have said. This means that “no atomic particle is so small that God is not fully present to it, and no galaxy is so vast that God does not surround it.

We see this truth in the Bible. As King Solomon brought the ark of the Lord’s covenant to the new Temple he built to honor God, the Lord's presence filled the Temple as a cloud. Solomon then dedicated this ornate building to God while he wondered at the mystery of God coming to earth: “Will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less the temple I have built! And the Lord responded yes, he was there in the Temple; his Name would be there forever: “My eyes and my heart will always be there.” God promises never to leave his people.

Time and time again God seeks to reassure—or convict—his people that he lives on the earth.

Then God became a man in the form of his Son, Jesus. In the last words of the Gospel of Matthew, he told his disciples: “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”[viii] From the beginning of God’s Word, when he was in the Garden of Eden with our first parents, to John’s Revelation, where God promises to welcome his people into the Eternal City, he assures us of his never-ending presence with us.

If God is everywhere, are we aware of him? Or do we take this truth for granted? When we practice being mindful and aware of him, we open ourselves to the wonder of him and his creation. We can experience his presence when we’re living in the present moment, right here, right now. Instead of being preoccupied with things that might not even happen, we affirm that God is with us.

In doing so we can ask God to help us focus on one thing at a time. For instance, we can enjoy a moment of truly seeing something, whether another person, a flower, a pine cone, a leaf. After all, if we can’t revel in God’s creation, how can we hope to experience the unseen God?

Weds morning zoom battle prayer link:

5:00am-6:00am. Come and go as you can. See you in the morning. Link is also available on the ministry website

Battle music link for the morning:

Remember battle prayer notes and video recording are available on ministry forum after zoom session:

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