Ministry Updates and Vision 1/30/24
Want to reach out to all the subscribers and visitors that come to this ministry and are blessed by it. Thank you for all your years of support and prayer. I believe God is moving in this FollowTheLeaderFTL ministry. I want to send out a quarterly update on vision casting and the growing ministries you can be a part of, either by joining or giving. I believe this ministry can touch so many lives with the Light of the Gospel. Whichever way you give please keep specify what area you would like to pray and grow:
Ministry website:
Averaging 221 visitors a month
Would like to grow subscribers and visitors. Yearly maintenance cost and website builder.
Looking to build up online shop and poetry. Help me with poetry cost and build inventory to share with people. Laminating and printing cost.
Grow Youtube channel and views. Follow The Leader FTL @ followtheleaderftl1763
2.27K subscribers and 119 videos. Video maker cost and cost of growing channel and subscribers.
Grow Anchor/ Spotify Podcast. 2-8 audience size. Looking to grow a lot more. 6 plays per episode. Total plays 1.4k. No cost just need to grow community.
Mens Zoom battle prayer. Community of men growing together in the knowledge of Christ. 15-20 men average looking to grow more. Meet three times a week on Zoom in prayer and encouragement of Gods word. Zoom account cost. Come invest time and prayer for these men.
Contact me for more information and if you would like to donate there is a paypal button on the main page of ministry website. Above anything else please send you prayer requests and encouragement, it's worth is far more than gold.