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Oh To Be Wise Mediations

God is great but He cares about us

(from Psalm 8)

Lord, our God, how great is your name through all the world!

We see your greatness in the heavens. It makes even little children praise you. Their praise stops the things bad people say.

I look up into the skies which you made, with the moon and all the stars. How can you think about us and care about us?

Yet you have made us just a little bit less than angels. You have blessed us in all sorts of ways. You let us look after all the other things you have made, the sheep, cows, even the wild animals, and all the birds and fish!

Lord, our God, how great is your name through all the world!

God cares about us. He made the whole world, He has given us so many good things. He loves us very much. We are very special to him.



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