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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Cleanliness leads to godliness. Thinking about that this morning as I start some spring cleaning. To be clean is to be proactive. You can say you are a clean person but the proof is visible on the outside. Its easy to claim to be clean but it takes the hard work and dedication to act upon it. A clean house is the proof that you are clean and staying clean. A clean body is the proof as well, if you care and maintain the gift God has given you. The mind also can be a terrible thing to waste if left uncleaned with sin and dirt. Lets be people of cleanliness and keep the filth of sin away from us. Starting with our jobsite, home, personal property and body. God cared so much about cleanliness that if you were unfit for his personal presence in the temple, you did get to enter in. I'll admit I am not the cleanest of people. But I want to be clean and sanitary for His glory. For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness. Through the blood of Christ I can be clean of every sin and filth working its way through my mind and body. God knew that man would strive to cleanse itself from sin through works. But their pride would get in the way and their cleanliness would only be superficial. Thankfully through the Cross of Christ his cleanliness can lead to our godliness. Jesus wants to take our filthy hearts and transform our lives, giving us a new clean conscience that can live pure before our Maker. Its a process of internal cleaning like a washing machine called sanctification. Doesn't mean we are perfect, but it does we are cleaned in heart and spirit. Able to pursue God through Christ, no filth or guilt in between. Let me close with the words of a leper that came to Jesus, “Lord, if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. Oh LORD, make me clean inside and outside by your blood shed for me. I want to be able to house your presence so that you can keep me clean.

Meditate Ps. 24:3



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