Oh To Be Wise Meditations
This is what you came for. Everyone is focused on the sound and the music. Giving there attention to the worship leaders and the instruments. To the crowd of people and the distractions of lights around you. But this is what you came for, for the weighty presence of God to fall on you! I came for you LORD, for you to show me your glory. Your lightning of love strikes my heart, I am overcome with the raw power of your love. I want to worship you now. This is exactly what I came for, to see you high and lifted up. Not thinking about my problems and worries. But to truly receive from you your healing, your provision, your wisdom. Forgive me when its not about you and I made it about everything else. You, and only you, is the treasure worth pursuing and having. When I worship you even the words of praise on my lips I treasure. Jesus, you alone are the LORD, Creator of the heavens and all the stars, Creator of the earth and those who live on it, Creator of the ocean and all its creatures. You are the source of life, praised by the stars that fill the heavens. Who is the King of glory? The LORD of Heaven’s Armies— he is the King of glory. O LORD, I give my life to you. I will say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! Your enemies cringe before your mighty power. Everything on earth will worship you; they will sing your praises, shouting your name in glorious songs. Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.
Meditate John 4:23