Oh To Be Wise Meditations
I’m soaring. I’m soaring over my past revisiting good and bad memories. I’m soaring over my present enjoying what I have. And I’m soaring over the future looking ahead planning and expecting great things. It’s time we mount up on eagles wings and allow Holy Spirit to renew our minds. Only God in Christ can help us make peace with our past. Give us contentment in the present and give us hope for the future. The devil walks to and fro on the earth, no good purpose or righteous pursuit. He bits the dust of the curse of man. Having sealed his fate with no hope for the future. In his present reality of sin and death, many people join him in his rebellion and rage. Instead of soaring with Christ on high, they would rather live the cursed life licking there wounds of sin. It’s time to live above our problems and reproach. We can live above our circumstances and live life soaring. Jesus died and rose again to give us a holy purpose and a reason to live. Giving us the precious soil of Holy Spirit to grow new life from, and away from the cursed soil of this world. Let’s get our minds out of the cursed dirt of this world, and kick these rocks of sin and death. Let’s go soaring to the throne of Jesus, where heaven and earth meet to find mercy and grace in our time of need. God has not abandoned us in our sins. He suffered along side us bearing our judgment and shame so we could become the righteousness of God. In Christ we have the opportunity of redemption and transformation. Something the enemy of our souls will never have. For he sold his birthright for a small piece of prideful bread and evil contentment. When He could have had the true bread of life Himself Jesus in Heaven. He was sent to earth like lightning in judgment for his rebellion. Instead of repenting he cursed Gods perfect world with sin and death and even lords over people his prideful condition. This earth he has marred with sin, God is making in new in Christ. We will soar to heaven soon and then come down to a new earth filled with Righteousness. The enemy and all who followed him will truly be ashes under our feet. Meditate Mark. 4:3 https://biblehub.com/malachi/4-3.htm
