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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Youth inspires fearlessness. Oh the excitement of youth, when you will believe anything is possible. You dream big without putting in the hard work of time. Your strength and vigor is a renewing well of which you use effortlessly, never thinking about tomorrows necessities. The light, the moon, the stars are all within your reach if only you could believe it. You see perfectly fine what's in front of you, so you have no worry of what's ahead of you. Oh the wisdom of the aged, they have lived long enough to see dreams crash before there eyes. They have endured hardships and seen no reward. They have developed fears and doubts along the way that they call prudence. Its hard to believe again when you have been let down for so many years. The aged have what most call experience, the Moxy of life. If only the aged could dream again like the youth and have renewed strength like Caleb. Who when he approached Joshua about Hebron said: Joshua, it was 45 years ago that the LORD told Moses to make that promise, and now I am 85. Even though Israel has moved from place to place in the desert, the LORD has kept me alive all this time as he said he would. I'm just as strong today as I was then, and I can still fight as well in battle. Joshua prayed that God would help Caleb, then he gave Hebron to Caleb and his descendants. And Hebron still belongs to Caleb's descendants, because he was faithful to the LORD God of Israel. And if only the youth could have the aged, the experienced around them to help them make good choices, even out of the bad they have already made. What if the strength of the youth could fill a need of the aged? The youth for lack of inspiration miss out on being a blessing to the aged. They could actually learned something from the experienced, and not think they know everything because of their strength. Be fearless again in as you were in your youth oh you experienced ones. But do it with the humility you have gained over the years. Keep dreaming oh young dreamer, there are endless possibilities for you if you just believe. But don't try to do it on your own. You haven't lived long enough, look the wisdom and be humble about. Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity. Show respect for old people and honor them. Reverently obey me; I am the LORD. Spiritual Fathers please do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Meditate Eph. 5:21



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