Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Nothing can change God’s perfect, sovereign plan. However, God can and does give the gift of faith and works through that faith in individuals to accomplish His plan. So, from our human perspective, it often appears that our exercise of faith changes the way God acts. Think about that. Gods got a plan since before the foundations of the world. That idea you came up with, that strength you got to overcome, that came from God. Our exercise of faith does not mean we did anything on our own, it means that we inspired by Holy Spirit to do Gods will. I know that is a mouthful, but faith is a gift from God to us. I grow tired of people trying to muster enough faith to will things that God does not want to happen. Many times we could be praying against something does not want for our lives, and we try to force his hand. We must keep faith as a gift and use it as such. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. God planned for us to do good things and to live as he has always wanted us to live. This is why he sent Christ to make us what we are. What good is our faith if its not pursued for the Kingdom. More tHan just money, or healing, or just selfish gain. We must be about the Fathers business in this world. His Spirit in us will produce the works and the fruits we need to serve a broken world. This by faith if we stay in close relationship with Christ, and not fall away of trying to make the Gospel something it’s not. Stick to Gods plan and his word. And let Faith do it’s perfect work in this world, and your life.
Meditate Eph. 1:4
