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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

When your ready, God is ready to take that thing troubling you off you. You say you have given it to Christ but the proof is in the fruit of your heart. That thing is weighing you down and keeping you from all that God in Christ is calling you to be. And when you give it him is not that it’s totally gone. It’s that it’s light, the burden is light. You start to let Christ carry your burdens and guilt. He can take it, he bore the sin of the world on the Cross. He is able to carry you, and if not instantly, shortly but surely, you are going from death to life. Your spiritual back is gaining strength and your heart muscles are pumping stronger. Bones are getting healed from the constant fracture of sin. You are able to stand up tall with a new living hope, learning to let go of your burdens and walk free in faith, hope, and love. Go ahead give it to God. Place it in his hands in prayer and keep it there. Those holes in his hands are payment in full. Go and sin no more. Live your life for God now. Your burden will be light.

Meditate Matt. 11:30



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