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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Light a candle. And not just a bland candle but a scented one. One that has the aroma of Christ oozing from their hearts and minds. Lit with the fire of Gods word and love, they bring life to the places of stench and death. Too many enjoy the stench of death and live in sin and depravity. Others get angry and are repulsed by the shame brought upon them. Still others smell the scented life and are captivated by it. The smell of life from Christ draws many hearts from the garbages and heaps of this world. Taking that smell of life they see in others and asking Christ to give them a scented life. Lit by the fire of Holy Spirit, life can smell so much better even in the presence of stench and trial. LORD, light me up with your fire and use me for your glory. May the fragrance of my life be acceptable and pleasing to you.

Meditate 2 Cor. 2:15



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