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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

A loan is everything to an entrepreneur. Its the opportunity of a lifetime to build their dreams and businesses. Having the capital to start up and begin the hard work of perseverance and strategy. This is the same thing for a believer in Christ that has the deposit of Holy Spirit within them. Freely given to us as gift and God in Christ still expects interest from us. Our lives are to be a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto God. Allowing the Holy Spirit to change us and renew us, helping us to profit eternal life. And we profit God the Great Entrepreneur with our changed lives. It brings glory and honor and redeemed humanity will inherit the new earth, a New Kingdom. We have been given the deposit of Holy Spirit as a guarantee that we will reap the promises of God. Lets join God in his holy work and be entrepreneurs for the Kingdom to come. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? We are called to be fishers of men, what an entrepreneurial opportunity! Lets invest in the gift of the Gospel and watch Holy Spirit reap interest in our lives and others.

Meditate 1 Peter 1:18-19



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