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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

I saw a man get out his car in and stop traffic for a duck that was hurt in the middle of the road. People were honking in anger especially those from far away not realizing what was happening. I was annoyed at first having to make a full stop on a 55 limit high way. But when I saw what this man was doing it warmed my heart. That is so our Heavenly Fathers heart. Amazing who we as humans innately have a heart for animals. And even more than that just a heart to do good. There is so much in this evil world that we can attribute to the devil and to the sin sick world we live in. But there is good in this world, and there are good people in this world that reflect the heart of God. An evil person would have run over this duck saying its roadkill. Praise God, He is not like that with us in this life. The story of the good Samaritan is about us as humans. God saw us in our pain and need and decided not to leave us abandoned on the side of the road of life. The enemy, the world, walks by us and leaves us to suffer alone in our sins. But Jesus came to our world to bandage our wounds. To heals and get us back on our feet into newness of life. He walks along side us in this life leading us back to the way everlasting.

Oh LORD, the eyes of all creatures look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand, and you satisfy the desire of every living thing. Who provides for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat. It is the Fathers heart to look after his creation even in a fallen world the light of his love is seen.

Meditate Ps. 50:10-11



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