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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Yesterday we talked about obedience and how blessing flows from it. God tested Israel many times to see if they would be obedient and trust in Him to get them through the wilderness experience. God wants us to get through this life thriving with flying colors. In a world with so much suffering, its hard to be obedient and endure hardship. A lot of the easy things in this life are sinful and easy to play with and destroy yourself. Real obedience can actually bring you to a place if God doesn't bless than there is nothing else left for you. There is that natural sinful bent to want to save yourself from your sins and problems. When all God in Christ asks you to do is to believe in Him and walk in obedience. Obedience is hard for the flesh, that is why we need God to make our spirit willing to obey. We need time in Gods presence, to bask in his light. The Spirit of Christ richly fills us and moves us to live a holy life for God. Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth, so now you must show sincere love to each other as brothers and sisters. Love each other deeply with all your heart. Obedience breeds love towards one another and blessings come from your relationships. Bless others with your faithful friendship and God will bless you richly. Tomorrow lets talk about obedience and healing how they go together.

Meditate 1 Sam. 15:22



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