Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Blessed Lord of peace, draw me closer to You and make me more like You Jesus. I pray You would mold me more and more each day into Your image so I may be able to walk firmly in the peace You give. Your will for me is sanctification. And through this process I will know you more.
Here is a reflection I read in a devotional:
Sanctification is a lifelong journey of learning, surrender, and devotion to grow in our understanding of His heart, mind, character, nature, and will and allows the wisdom we gain through our relationship to change how we live. It’s like a potter molding clay into a beautiful vessel. What will this vessel contain? What’s the result of God sanctifying you “through and through”? Peace! Not just the absence of conflict, but true peace—wholeness and harmony—deep in your soul. It’s a peace that engulfs us to our core and sustains us until the day we see Jesus face-to-face!