Oh To Be Wise Meditations
Nothing destroys iron more than it's own rust. We need to stay constantly sharpened not only by people we trust but by the Holy Spirit. Sin and its desires in us causes a spiritual rust that makes us dull in our minds. It affects our prayer life and our growth in the Word. Our hearts have been made alive in Christ, tender to the touch of Jesus in our spirit. He is molding us and renewing us through the Holy Spirit. We must continue to be sharpened and not get lazy or despondent the presence of Holy Spirit. He needs to be overflowing and not quenched. He needs to fill us and be grieved by us. It is so easy to rust out our inner pipes and not allow living water to flow through us daily. Yes, rivers of living water will flow from our hearts as we pursue the Spirit of Christ. LORD Jesus sharpen me as I read your Word. Keep me from spiritual rust that grows in me from lack of pursuit of you. That is why I must offer body to you as a living and holy sacrifice. You will keep me in the way the truth and the life. Amen. I will not turn my back on wisdom, for she will preserve me. I will love her, and she will guard me. Oh preserve my soul oh God! Keep me from rusting out and leaking. I am your iron keep me sharp in mind body and spirit.
Meditate John 4:14