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Oh To Be Wise Meditations-Prayer Meditations

A Prayer Looking in the Mirror

God, You are the God who sees me. You see me better and more completely than I see myself. I pray that as I look at my reflection in the mirror, You would give me eyes to see myself the way You see me.

When I’m tempted to obsess over everything that is wrong with my body—the missing muscles, the extra weight, the blemished skin, all the ways I don’t look like my society’s vision of perfection—remind me of the delight You took in me when You first knit me together and called me good.

When I like what I see, help me to thank You without becoming puffed up or self-absorbed.

As I turn away from the mirror, let me take my eyes off myself and direct them in love toward You and toward the world around me. Source: 10 Inspirational Prayers to Encourage You throughout Your Day (



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