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Proverbs of 39 yr old man

The War Is Daily. Daily I am preparing for a war I cannot see or hear. For a Kingdom and a citizenship in Heaven, praise God that I am apart of the LORD's army! Therefore I discipline my body to fight in the spiritual war we face between good and evil. For we are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. Yes, I battle not against flesh and blood. So I don’t beat the air anymore. I do not blame God for everything, and I blame evil and destruction to the enemy and his kingdom. I do not shadow box the enemy anymore and live a life of defeat and sin. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize and crown of Christ. He has called me to be a king and priest, so that gives me purpose with every step of faith I take towards victory. Like David before he faced Goliath, he was not able to use the King's armor. He used what God provided for him in the wilderness to take on the battles of Israel at the time. But over time God made a warrior out of David. He trained his fingers for battle and eventually wore the Kingly Armor he needed to fight for God and his people. No longer the sling and the stone. But the sword and the shield. Oh Christian its time you put the armor of God and allow Holy Spirit to come on you like a glove! The Spirit of Christ will make a warrior out of you yet! We will overcome because Jesus has overcome this wicked world. So the question for you today is, God gave you His Spirit for victory and warfare, are you going to allow Him to make you a warrior of faith and prayer? The LORD is a warrior. Many are his sons!

Study Ps. 144:1



Meldrick Jackson
Meldrick Jackson
Oct 31, 2022

Nice, please tell me, how do you make a topic here? Ty

Manuel J. Ramos
Manuel J. Ramos
Oct 31, 2022
Replying to

Go the app and go to where it says forum. There should be a link to where it says create a post.


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