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Proverbs of a 37 yr old man

Sin has lost its stickiness. Sin has a way of holding sinners captive even if you wanted to be free. Stuck in its miry clay, a pit of darkness and despair many lose their souls there. I have a great illustration for this, I saw a bug trap sticker that keeps gnats away from plants and shrubs. While it does catch a lot of bugs doing its job, the random lizard was getting stuck trying to get a free lunch. Unable to free itself from this stickiness once they tasted this tasty treat. Is that not how sin is? You just wanted a free taste, and you never thought it would take you this far, this bondage. These lizards left for dead exposed to the elements and predators is how the devil leaves us before God, making a fool out of us. God in his mercy though chose the Son to release those who are captive to sin. But also giving a new heart and mind that is losing its stickiness to sin and certain death. You see on the Cross Jesus was laid bare on the full stickiness of our sins. Left there to die a sinners death so that we could be free from the sin that so easily begets us. We were set free and He was left to the stickiness of sin on the Cross. Praise God, sin could not hold him in the grave. He was risen from the dead and now lives to ever intercede for us in so many ways. No longer do we have to live in sin, shame and past regrets. No longer do we have to be slaves to our evil desires. Sin has lost its stickiness, we can be free and I hope you know that. Now because you have been freed from sin and you are Servants to God, your fruit is holy, for the result of those things is eternal life. Even if we do sin we have an Advocate in Heaven that can free us again from sins stickiness. But sin no more, before something worse happens to you. While on the bait of sin anything can happen to you. Stay away from easy sinful treats, the enemy prowls around looking for sinners stuck in sin to swallow whole. Don't let sin keep ruling your lives. You are ruled by God's undeserved grace and not by the Law that the accuser himself claims. Look, sin is sticky no more! Go show yourself to the Great Priest Himself, worship Him in all his glory!

Study Rom. 8:2



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