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Proverbs of a 37 yr old man

Sin is like a pimple. There are all kinds of pimples, from blackheads to cysts. They can show up in any area of the body. Dead skin cells and sebum clogging the pores causing an inflection to develop. I liken the sebaceous glands on our skin as the Holy Spirit. A waxy and oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair. These glands produce sebum inside our pores as new skin cells are constantly growing, with the outer layers of our skins being shed. These bodies of ours are old wineskins but we are being transformed from within with new wineskins. During this process infection will occur, yes sin is like a pimple. We must wash out our sins with the water of the word and cleansing of the blood of Christ. Do not try to pop, squeeze or pick at any blemish. You can irritate and spread sin's infection all over your heart and body. Eventually leaving you with scars that bear your guilt and shame. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished in His glorious presence with great joy. To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord before all time, and now, and for all eternity. Without a single pimple of sin, Jesus is able to keep us from sin's filth and destruction. Many of us are content with a few pimples of sin in our lives. But squeezing these pimples in our own strength we can create an open wound directly to our heart, which can become infected by our own sinful hands and airborne evil bacteria. They are fully gangrene and spreading its gluttonous desires to every area of our lives. The veins of our hearts can then form clots that contain infections, which puts pressure on the brain, leading to partial or full paralysis and, in some cases death. Yes, you can die from an a small infected pimple if not treated with proper care. How much more sin puss building up in our hearts and minds? We need the balm of Gilead, the salve of Holy Spirit, the washing and cleansing of regeneration of spirit in our lives! Jesus bore our sins on the Cross so that we can live a righteous and blessed life now and forever. He bears our scars and blemishes so that we can have a clean heart and mind before God. Sin is like a pimple, let Jesus take a look at it. He is the Great Physician.

Study Jeremiah 8:22



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