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Proverbs of a 38 yr old man

A trained ear. This is where the heart listens more than the physical body. Like an animal that listens to the voice of its master is the voice of God in us. Yes, we are not animals but we are to listen and be trained by the voice of Holy Spirit in our lives. It’s that still small voice we must be attentive to so that we can overcome our fears, doubts, and worries. I have a fear of claustrophobia that grips me, but by the power of Holy Spirit in me I am being trained by him to stay in God's peace. Here is a great example that brought me to tears. Giving my dogs a bath they are so impatient, they want leave the bathroom and be free. But I need to dry them and prep them so they can be all handsome for there mom. They don’t understand and they cry and cry. But like a good dog father I comfort them and dry them and reassure them they will be free to roam soon. It makes me think of God our Father in that way. Jesus knows we want out of a situation. We are crying pleading with him please remove this. And I hear him gently say as he dries my tears, my grace is sufficient enough for you. Wait on me, soon you will be free from the troubles and cares of this life. Let me clean you and wash you with my blood in the process of sanctification. Even in chaos you can feel surrounded by his love and never give in to fear and death. You have been set free from sin so that you can fully trust in the LORD your God no matter what. Jesus endured the Cross as proof that He is faithful and true. He lives therefore we will live! He endures therefore we can endure. I don't have the right to claim that I have done anything on my own. God gives us what it takes to do all we do. Our competency, our power comes from God. We need to have a trained ear that is learning the will of God day by day. For this is the Father’s will and purpose, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him as Savior will have eternal life, and he will raise him up from the dead on the last day. I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.

Study 2 Cor. 12:9



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