Proverbs of a 38 yr old man
Love and Respect. How can you say you love someone if you show them no honor no respect. Real love when given is humble and pure, leaving the person vulnerable. Yet so many trample this kind of humble love by not honoring when honor is due. Love from that lowly posture demands respect, but the sinful flesh wipes its mouth and doesn't even say thank you. No, it takes advantage and belittles someone's sacrifice to nothing. It bites the hands that feed and still comes back for more? Why are we so hard on the ones we love? Why are we so mean to the one's we care about? Now in order receive love you must be worthy of respect. How can one demand love if they are not able to receive it? Demanding your own way and not caring about the people you hurt. Leaving them to lick there own wounds, suffering indignity in silence and tears. Love and Respect need to be bonded together. Pay all that you owe, whether it is taxes and fees or respect and honor. Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. Yes, we should love others as we love ourselves, and each person should respect and honor one another.
Study Prov. 3:27