Proverbs of a 38 yr old man
Sun in your eyes. Next time the sun is in your eyes let it remind you of prudence. To be careful and follow the path of righteousness laid before you in Christ. Squint if you have to or use a visor, but pay attention to the road of life ahead of you. Distraction can come from all angles, but the Sun of Righteousness has a way of blinding you causing you to focus. Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun. Nothing on earth is more beautiful than the morning sun. In the night there is no light only darkness, harder to see depending on your own light most of the time. We need more light, more of Holy Spirit in our lives to give us light to see. Whoever strays from the path of prudence comes to rest in the company of the dead. Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who have left the straight paths to walk in dark ways, who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil, whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways. For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.
Study Eccles. 1:5