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Proverbs of a 38 yr old man

I stay strong on your love all the time. It's as smooth as Tennessee whiskey and as sweet as strawberry wine. Yes, like a warm glass of brandy I stay strong on your love all the time. I use to look for love in all the same old places and scraped the bottom of my soul dry till I found you Jesus. You poured out your heart into me and didn't waste it, filling me and overflowing me with Holy Spirit. Hear me out on this one: If you pour out your heart before God he will not waste it. It's sweet repentance that he craves from us. He pours back Sweet Holy Spirit, and he so generously pours. He is the Father of all spirits, all life comes back to him. To many hearts are scrapping from the bottom of the barrel trying to sustain the broken life they are living. They are drunk with the wine of this world that leaves a bitter taste of life behind. Oh but the sweet fruits of the Spirit that bare in you are never ending, There is no law against these things! The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Meaning there will always be an abundance of pure fine wine and reasoning within in you. A inner strength to want to live and not die in your sins that only comes from the Spirit of the Risen Christ. Then Jesus took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. Then he said, “Take this and share it among yourselves. For I will not drink wine again until the Kingdom of God has come.” LORD, I stay strong on your love for its like fine wine within me. Find your satisfaction living in me until you drink of the fruit of the vine anew in the Kingdom of God.

Study Eph. 5:18



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