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Proverbs of a 38 yr old man

A faith that is dead. A faith that is dead does not believe in all things, does not hope in all things, and does not endure all things. It has no love to be able to bear all things. Faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. But we know that God accepts only those who have faith in Jesus Christ. No one can please God by simply obeying the Law. So we put our faith in Christ Jesus, and God accepted us because of our faith. We need an active and living faith to grow in His Righteousness. Work produced by faith, labor prompted by love, and endurance inspired by hope in the Living God. Just to say that you have faith proves nothing. Only action can show that faith is real. Faith is in the heart and mind, and it shows itself alive in a changed life that wants to obey God. When the spirit of a person has gone from the body, the body is dead. The human body, when it is dead, is of no use to the person. Faith that has no works is as dead as the dead body. It is like the body without breath. Compare faith to the body and works to the spirit. The body is dead if it has no spirit. A faith that is not supported by works is just as dead. Check your spiritual pulse, is your body of faith alive? Oh Jesus, stir the gift of your Holy Spirit within me and produce good works through me.

Study 1 Thess. 1:3



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