Proverbs of a 39 yr old man
Running to say thank you. So many people have birthdays every year. It’s the reminder of the gift of life that we have had another year to live. God has been so gracious, so kind and so merciful to me. I stood at a distance from Him for so long because of my sin sick soul and shame. I would cry out Jesus, Master, have pity on me? Praise God, He heard the cry of my heart and told me that he healed my soul by the power of his blood. Then telling me to go show myself to the world all the things the LORD Jesus has done. Oh how the years pass, and so many have forgotten to run back to Jesus to say thank you for their salvation and healing. God forbid even live like they have been healed and forgiven. Jesus asked today, ‘’Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Yes, still I return to you Jesus to give you the praise on this birthday reminder. Running to say thank you. Because it was the faith you placed in me that has made me well and is continuing to make me whole. Come, let’s go together if it’s been awhile. Get up and go on your way to the Cross where you first saw the light. Where your healing took place. Now make your way back to the empty tomb where your burdens were rolled away and say thank you Jesus. For my personal trust in You and confidence in your resurrection power has restored me to everlasting spiritual life and health.
Study Luke 17:15