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Proverbs of a 39 yr old man

I'm all out of love LORD, and I am so lost without you. I gave my heart away to so many lovers and I don't have the strength any more to love anyone, especially myself. I'm all out of love, what am I without you? I know its never too late to say that I was so wrong. I lived my life for pleasure and sin and it has left me so empty with no love to give. I want to come back to you Jesus, will you carry me home? I have no strength within, I need your strength to live and love again. Away from these long, lonely nights I am reaching for you, are you there LORD, I feel you so near? What would you say if I called on you now and professed my love for you for eternity? Even in the midst of my sins and failures I will always love you. I strive to be just like you Jesus every day. There's no easy way around it, it gets harder each day as we face new trials and tribulations. Please love me through this process or I'll be gone! Jesus, your love is my love, and its the strength of my love! Holy Spirit you are my lifeblood! I wish I could carry your smile in my heart for times when my life seems so low. It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring when today doesn't really know. My oh my, what a gift of love your precious believers have through the power of the Gospel. Just to know I do not have to depend on my wicked and detestable heart that changes with every evil desire and temptation. Love Himself lives in me, so whenever I am all out of love I have an endless supply to give even to my enemies. Look! The LORD prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with the oil of gladness and my cup of love overflows again!

Study 1 John 4:16



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