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Proverbs of a 39 yr old man

Its not uncommon to see hawks circling above high up in the sky, whether they are on their own or in a flock. I was at a park recently and saw this first hand and it was an amazing sight. Huge birds flying in a circle. Check this out: The main reason that hawks circle is to use the thermals and rising air currents to keep them high up in the air without having to constantly flap their wings conserving their energy. These air currents help the hawks to just glide to stay up in the sky so they can swoop down quickly to snatch up their prey. Stay with me here. The key to all this is called Thermals. These hawks know it well. The most common places that thermals exist is in areas of uneven ground or where there are man-made buildings. In these areas, the air that is closest to the ground is heated unevenly and this, in turn, creates thermals. Therefore, in hilly areas, there are likely to be more thermals than in areas where the ground is perfectly flat. You’ll also find thermals in the city as the sun heats the air on one side of a building while the other side is in the shade and so the air will be cooler. So, it’s basically the difference in air temperature that creates these thermal currents. If you happen to witness this, you’ll see the hawk flying straight at the hill, mountain or even side of a building and just before it hits, it will be lifted high up as it rides the rising current of air. Fellow believer, as you come up to a mountain in your life use the hot air of trial and tribulation to rise up higher than your present circumstances. Ride it up all the way above the mountains of our lives and into the open horizon of Gods providence. The Spirit of Christ gives us the air beneath our wings sustaining us through the mountains of our lives. Conserving our energy for praise and prayer than for doubt and fear. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Study Job 39:26



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