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Proverbs of a 39 yr old man

Could you imagine if certain things took less time to mature? Imagine if you could work out for a couple days and be as strong as a young Arnold Schwarzenegger? Or if certain fruit trees that you love to eat grew in a couple of days instead of years? I think, we would be some spoiled children acting like we don’t need anything from God. In reality though he is the reason and purpose for everything. And he has allowed some things to take longer time than others. Adam and Eve went from freely fresh grown food to thorns and thistles they had to remove and work through. Amazing how God said man has become like one of us knowing both good and evil. To remove access to this tree of life and make humanity seek life in another resource. And that one day they would die and could do nothing in themselves to fix that. God wants mankind to seek him and find life in Him through the redemption of the Cross. Job’s words echo even today, I know my Redeemer lives! Some things take time and will take more faith and trust in God. The LORD has made certain things crooked and straight, who can understand these things? But the power of faith in Christ has been changing hearts and lives for centuries. Believing in Jesus and being transformed by His Gospel has stirred so much powerful faith in this world. So much so that truly Jesus is making all things new in his time. Some things take time to mature. The same fruit on the tree of life that gave life and vitality to its eater. Is the same and even more vital fruit that The Spirit of Christ is trying to grow in his believers, his disciples, his children. The question alone lies with God, how long does spiritual fruit take to mature?



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