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Proverbs of a 39 yr old man

A Great Faith. Yet again, another great tempest and storm. Look, the winds and the waves of trial are picking up. I can feel it in my Spirit. As the physical rain and trouble around me starts to splash on my face. It wakes me up from my resting on the promises of God, resting on the Heart of Christ. Yes, this stormy trial is rocking the boat of my life and the waves are getting stronger as I am taking in troubled waters. Its trying to sink me into doubt and fear, in despair and desperate anger. But I will strengthen my feeble knees and tired hands in the LORD. Jesus is with me always in the midst of trial and tribulation. With great faith I stand up with courage and walk over to the sails and steady myself in the midst of chaos. I beat my chest saying in Jesus name and let a yell out that even the pits of hell and dark waters can hear! Peace be still! Peace be still oh my soul! All of sudden the tempest storm settles and the dark clouds disappear. The heavy rain and torment becomes a refreshing mist around me like a table before my enemies. Then, the Sun of Righteousness shines brightly on my face and gives me an incredible peace! I feel its warmth like a presence behind me, and with a passionate fire in his eyes Jesus is standing behind me with a smile of pride and joy. He was standing behind me the whole time echoing my courage and faith saying Peace be Still! I turn to him in holy awe and worship. I Thank you LORD for giving me the faith to move mountains and to still troubled waters around me and within me. I hear you say to me Jesus: You have great faith my servant, my son. The Kingdom of Heaven is yours! For it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them.

Study Matt. 15:28



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