Proverbs of a 39 yr old man
Wait by the Red Sea. God has led you there for a reason. Don’t go back into bondage because of fear and shame. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Do not fear the enemy who goes around like a roaring lion to devour those who are in a dead end and up against the Red Sea. Wait on the LORD he will make a way when there seems to be no way. He will split the Red Sea, he will do something you did not expect or imagine and have you walk through that trial and hardship in victory. He will drown out the enemy voices of sin and guilt into the sea of forgetfulness. You will walk on dry land and get real footing for your new life hidden in Christ. Don’t turn and fret because of fear. We do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. Stay by the Red Sea and wait on the LORD. It is by his Spirit and not by might and or by power of man. Wait and have faith in the LORD your God who calms the seas and can split them in half if need be. Keep doing what you’re suppose to be doing, yes, that which is right before the LORD. He can give victory because you didn’t retreat back to your old sins and ways. You stood your ground in faith even with all hell breaking loose and coming against you like an angry and prideful Pharaoh. Let it be said In the day of trouble I sought the LORD! Look! The clouds poured down rain; the thunder rumbled in the sky. Your arrows of lightning flashed. Your thunder roared from the whirlwind; the lightning lit up the world! The earth trembled and shook. Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters, a pathway no one knew was there! You led your people along that road like a flock of sheep, with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds. Amen. Wait by the Red Sea oh believer in Jesus. The road your waiting for is through the sea and the pathway through mighty waters.
Study Ps. 106:9