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Oh To Be Wise Meditations

Oh the nearness of God in Christ. Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin! He knows the rattling of sin in our bodies. He knows the evil that lurks within. And He overcame so we could overcome even as dead men. People made dead to sin but alive in the Spirit of Christ. In layman's terms people get tattoos or make statues in honor of someone’s spirit. How they lived there life good or bad they honor what they did. People will pick up others mantles, or take up that message inspired by a dead persons life. So should we be inspired by the Gospel of Jesus and take up our Cross and follow Him. He died and rose again for our sake. So that He could give us a Spirit like none other and live for Him as dead men to this world. The world can do this why can’t we? They rally around dead men and dead visions all the time. That is why tyranny and injustice happen so much. History repeating itself generation after generation following the ways of man. The difference for us as Christians is that we follow no dead man. Jesus is alive and well and His Spirit is alive in us. But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. So many people belong to this world, so they speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world listens to them. But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception. So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved grace, and we will find help. Jesus chooses to know us and be actively involved in the trials and triumphs we face each day. A Loving God, who is everywhere yet always near. May you be overwhelmed at his presence near you and within in. May you be comforted when your under siege, having strength when you are weak, courage when you under attack, and hope when all seems  hopeless. These are gifts of His presence that should be precious to us. Without his presence we would not know where to go or why we are here. Praise God He knows us. Look forward to the day where will know Him the way He knows us.

Meditate Ps. 119:151



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