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Proverbs of a 39 yr old man

I asked the LORD to show me his glory. And during a evening thunderstorm he did just that. The LORD flexed his back for me in the heavens with his thunder and lightning. Like Moses He put me in the cleft of my patio and gave me a display of his raw power and might. Lightning strike after lightning strike his thunder would reverberating the earth. He is Holy, Holy, Holy! The skies declare his glory! Be afraid, be very afraid, He roars like the Lion of Judah! Yet He pours the rain like a humble lamb! My body trembles at the thunder but my Spirit lights up like lightning. Yes, even my bowels have a sharp pain reminding me I am a frail human. It is good to have reverential fear of the LORD. To hold Him in high regard because it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God! Oh but in the peace of the storm God brings the rain of Holy Spirit and calms all his creation. He causes all His goodness to pass in front of you proclaiming His name, the LORD, in all the earth. He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy, and He will have compassion on whom He will have compassion. Like standing in the middle of an open field of a deadly lightning storm so it is with fallen humanity seeing Gods face. We may not look directly at His face, for no one may see His Face and live. This is why He gave us the Rock of his word to stand on, to live by, so that we can see his back flexing when He shows off his power all over the earth. He removes his hand so we can see his glory. Even if for the moment. To remind us soon we will see Him face to face. We will see Jesus as He truly is, behind the raw power and electrifying grace is Yahweh! The God of faith, hope, and love. The earth trembles at his glance; the mountains smoke at his touch. I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

Study Ex. 33:22



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