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Proverbs of a 39 yr old man

How quickly a good habit can turn into a blessing in your life. Be consistent over time in something good and holy and you will see the fruit of it. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy. Let your mind dwell on these things and you will see God bear his peaceable fruit in you. Instead of harbouring strongholds in our lives through sin and addiction. Jesus wants us to train ourselves for godliness through the power of Holy Spirit given to us. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Yes, freedom through the walls of the living word being built in us. Boundaries in our lives that will keep us safe. People like moral boundaries even if they don't admit it. For it is the pure in heart that will actually see God in all his glory when Jesus comes again for those who believe. Today is the day to allow Gods word and presence to cleanse our hearts and minds. Giving us a pure heart so that we can see God working even now in the land of the living. Gods word never comes back in void. What you sow in your heart with tears from a contrite heart before God will soon be a tree of life in you. Born from the incorruptible seed of righteousness in you. Practice righteousness you will grow stronger still. From faith to faith you will see Jesus working in your life. And he will keep you blameless before him so that you can see him with your own eyes soon and very soon! Saying, this the one whom we have waited for! Amen.

Study Ps. 1119:1



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