Proverbs of a 39 yr old man
Presence seekers. Having a heart for the presence of God. Like Joshua who stayed behind watching and waiting at the Tent of Meetings after Moses spoke with God face to face. I personally don't think we have this in us on our own automatically. But as we pursue Christ, the Holy Spirit gives us the desire to linger in Gods presence. Gazing at his beauty becomes our heart song. With this heart posture and pursuit you start to want to bring peace into chaos. To bring joy into a gloomy place. To bring a light into the darkness. Gods presence in you and pursuing more of Him makes you want to share Him more with others. Now hear this right, this has to be honed in you by Holy Spirit I believe. As we continue to grow in the sanctifying power of Gods presence. Jesus will reveal himself to you as you seek him in the Living Word, in prayer, in worship, and in fellowship. You start to thirst for Gods presence in these areas. But again, this is something we must grow in, and that is practicing the presence of God daily in everything we do. Not everyone can pray for an hour or sing for an hour or read Scripture for an hour. But search for the LORD and for his strength; continually seeking Him. And you will be amazed with the gifts God will stir in you for His Kingdom bearing fruit for every good work.
Study Ps. 27:8