Proverbs of a 40 yr. old man.
No farmer continues to plough the same field again and again to make it ready for the seed. He does not keep on digging the same ground. As soon as the farmer has prepared the soil, he makes the surface smooth. Then he plants his seed. Wheat may go into one field. Some other grain may go into another field. God has taught him the best way to do it. God trained him well. So, to plough the field may seem to be a painful way to act towards the soil. But the action achieves its purpose. It prepares the soil for the seed to grow and to produce a harvest. God acts in a similar way. After he has punished his people for their evil behavior, he does not repeat the painful action. God is aiming to achieve his real purpose for his people’s lives. Now, the farmer gathers the various crops at the time of harvest. Then he has to beat the grain from the stem. He will use a light stick or a heavy stick. He knows which weight of stick is best for each sort of crop. The farmer would ruin the grain if he continued to beat it again and again. His experience tells him when to stop. The farmer will drive his cart and horses over the grain. But only as long as he knows that it is necessary. He does not want to reduce the grain to dust. Such knowledge is a gift from God. His advice is wonderful. His wisdom is great. In a similar way, God teaches his people the best way to carry out their work for him. There are many different kinds of work for God. But God knows about each task. It is God who teaches the farmer how to obtain each crop. So, how much more capable is God to achieve his own purposes in the lives of his people! The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Plow your fields, scatter seeds of justice, and harvest faithfulness. Worship me, the LORD, and I will send my saving power down like rain. Oh, that you had listened to my commands! Then you would have had peace flowing like a gentle river and righteousness rolling over you like waves in the sea.
Study 2 Cor. 9:10