Proverbs of a 40 yr. old man
Your Spirit, your inner man is the heartbeat of the soul just as the physical heart is the heartbeat to the body. Human beings were created by God. He created you and me with so much complexity and intricacy. He did that so you would look for His signature in your heart. It has been said that we are not bodies with souls; we are souls that have bodies. The body—the “outer man”—is our physical housing through which we experience the world. Our bodies function primarily through the five senses and by meeting innate needs that drive us to eat, drink, and sleep. Our bodies are not evil but are gifts from God. He desires that we surrender these bodies as living sacrifices to Him. When we accept God’s gift of salvation through Christ, our bodies become temples of the Holy Spirit. Our souls are the personality centers of our beings from which our mind, will, and emotions operate. With our souls we choose either to listen to and obey the lusts of our flesh or the desires of the Holy Spirit. The soul of a person is the courtroom where life decisions are made. It is the seat of the self-life and the fountain from which character traits such as self-confidence, self-pity, self-seeking, and self-affirmation originate. Our spirits contain the inner man about which the Scriptures speak. Our spirits are where the Spirit of God communes with us. Jesus said, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth”. It is within our spirits that we are born again. Our spirits are the parts of us most like God, with an innate knowledge of right and wrong. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. It is God’s desire and design for human beings that we live always directed by the born-again nature, which is in step with God’s Spirit. But our fallen natures want to rule, and so a spiritual battle rages. The extent to which we surrender that inner man to the control of the Holy Spirit is the extent to which we walk in continual victory over our fallen flesh. Check your spiritual heartbeat today to see whether you are alive or dead. God is so good, with just one Living Word Jesus is able to bring your inner man back to life. The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words Jesus has spoken to you are spirit and life.
Study 2 Cor. 4:16