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Proverbs of a 40 yr. old man

Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. Anger will not defend you. Nor will it satisfy you because you've trampled your integrity. In fact, anger makes the innocent party look foolish when truth and justice should calmingly prevail. Anger should be more like righteous indignation. Able to stand up for the hurting and the needy, and to stand up for what is right before Gods eyes. But anger takes a hold of us like a fire and burns down your own credibility and hard work. Scriptures says a woman tears down her own house with her own hands. That's a picture of anger and no self-control. A person can ruin their relationships, work, life with uncontrolled anger. Listen, people need the LORD. People are so angry all the time about everything. And many times, they should be. But that cannot be your one main controlling desire. The Spirit of Christ needs to be in us and working through so we can bear fruit in and out of every season of life. If we are not pressing into The Presence of God allowing Holy Spirit to renew us and change us daily. Then our earthly passions and sins will consume us and destroy us. I can't imagine how tightly bondage people are in sin and its emotions. Just a small mistake or a little trouble in the day births anger and destruction that ruins not only them but the people that love them. Anger is quick like a flood and if you don't call down and find reason, you will drown in your own pride and foolishness. Look, I see a wave of anger coming into shore, it's a low tide. But it keeps coming with the winds of strife pressing in, the waves of anger get higher and stronger, and people are swept away by it. How do you slow and spell anger? Allow a downpour of mercy to wash over you. A pouring out of grace to cover you. God says He had mercy on you so you should have mercy on your neighbor. We are warned in Scripture that it is foolish to let anger overpower us or take root in our hearts. We can be angry, but don’t let that anger cause us to sin. When we are told to be slow to anger, it is a reminder that we should not be prone to get angry because it can lead us into sin. Human anger from a place of pride and judgement is sinful and will not result in the righteous ways that God wants us to live by. Righteous anger, on the other hand, is anger that does not lead us to sin. When we let our anger go unchecked, it will consume our hearts and guide our thoughts, reactions, and decisions to sinful behaviors. We will surely miss out on the goodness God has for us. Sinning in our anger keeps out righteousness and delays our spiritual growth. Human anger can lead to all sorts of problems like bitterness, estrangement, unforgiveness, and eventually, a disconnection from God. God wants better for His beloved children. Instead of entertaining and fueling evil things like human anger. Yes, we should be concerned about living like Christ to produce the righteousness of God through the Holy Spirit and not birth sin through our fleshly desires.

Study Matt. 5:22

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