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Proverbs of a 40 yr old man

Money can't buy you love. This because the love of money is the root of all evil. There are people who have everything they could possibly need or want. They are provided for and live in luxury. But they are miserable because they have no love. Those who are supposed to love them use them and abuse them. But they are exploited and put up with people who hurt them. Yes, you put up with it when someone enslaves you, takes everything you have, takes advantage of you, takes control of everything, and slaps you in the face. Sin is enslaving you to others. Cornered by earthly desires and gain they realize that money can't buy you love. But the love of God is the root of all that is good and holy. God is love because love comes from God. Everyone who truly loves God has been born of God and knows Him. This is a special love poured out on the Cross as an example of real true love to live from. This love of God in Christ can buy the things that money can't buy. Sin is a terrible master. What does sin care about us? Does sin treat us well? Does sin appreciate our work? Does sin cherish our unique talents or experiences? Does sin invest in our long-term benefit? Does sin lead us to life? Sin is a terrible master. Sin entices us with short-term gain, then takes advantage of us until we've been spent and when it has run its course, sin rids itself of us, terrorizes us with inhumane punishment, shackles us to it's clutches, measures us with disdain and division, and sucks the life from us. Righteousness is a blessed master. Righteousness values us. Righteousness tends to our needs and treats our concerns. Righteousness appreciates our dedicated work. Righteousness champions our unique talents and enhances the depth and extent of our experiences. Righteousness leads us to a full, rich life. Yes, righteousness is a blessed master. Righteousness encourages us to our fullest potential and beyond and then finds companionship with us, rejoices in our thoughts and actions, travels freely beside us in relationship, draws us into fellowship, and breathes life into us. Amen. It is better to have little, with godliness, than to be rich and dishonest. Better to have love and appreciation than to have many riches and power. Better to have little, with fear for the LORD, than to have great treasure and inner turmoil. The love of money has left many full mansions and loaded treasure chests empty as relationships sour and rot and fade away. But the love of God stored in heaven and poured on us in Christ makes hearts rich in love for one another being content in what they have. Striving to care and nourish and appreciate what they have able to handle more with grace and integrity. Oh, imagine with me if you could live in abundance and in mansions full and still have real love as your true currency! It must heaven, and it is! Let's have heaven here on earth till Jesus comes to take us home to the many mansions he has provided for us his bride the church. For there are three things that will last forever that will never rust or fade away. They are faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these is love. Without love you have nothing. And not the watered-down love of this world that we conjure up within us. You're a beggar on the street begging for cheap lust and wants. No, it is the love of God in Christ that we so desperately need to share with one another and with ourselves. God's love in Christ is better than life itself. His life lived and given to us as a sacrifice is real love and life.

Study 1 Cor. 13:2



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