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Proverbs of a 40 yr old man

God gives wisdom to those who ask in faith. We must believe that he will give it. And we must believe that God will hear our prayer. Being confident that God will do what we ask according to His Will and Purpose. Having asked, we must receive the answers. And we must obey what God tells us to do. We must be firm and constant in our trust in God. Not doubting that God will answer them. And we must not doubt that he is able to do it. God will not answer the prayers of those who doubt. God is kind and generous. He gives to us, freely and without limit, all that we need. God does not blame those who ask. We need never be afraid to ask too much or too often. God is always ready to give to us all that what we need. He is never angry with us for our lack of wisdom. He is so often much more ready to give it to us than we are ready to ask for it. We need wisdom when suffering through trials. We need the wisdom to know how to deal with them. It will help us to understand our trials. And it will help us to decide what we must do. God gives this wisdom so that they can choose to do what is right. Then we will know how God would wants us to live in the midst of our troubles. We can overcome them all and not give up the struggle. Do not be double minded. Religion and the Gospel are like oil and water, they do not mix well at all. We must serve God alone and not someone or something else at the same time. Being loyal to God in our heart by not having two opposite opinions in our minds. In that mindset we cannot choose which is the right one. At one moment, we believe and the next moment we do not. We are like a wave in the sea that the wind drives and blows about. Ask for wisdom from Christ with a steady heart and wait for the breeze of Heaven to lead the sails of faith towards his will and purpose for your life. Or be in a hurry and sail your way to chaos and troubled waters where you will reap a whirlwind of destruction.

Study Prov. 2:6



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