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Proverbs of a 41 yr old man

I love the story of Jethro advising Moses with the people of Israel. He said, moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. Amen. Does anyone want to lead anymore? Everyone wants to follow and let others do the work. Go to work and just do enough to collect a paycheck. Go home and just do enough because you do so much at work. Go to church and just do enough to say you went. Where is the passion? Where is the drive? Where is the love to lead? The world and the enemy has coddled many into indifference. Lukewarmness is real. A little bit of cold and a little of hot is a recipe for disaster in your life! Everyone wants to be somebody, but few want to serve while there nobody. Jesus says the first shall be last. And we must learn to serve first before we can lead. We tend to lead without learning how to serve first. Whatever position you are in begin to serve. At work, at home, at church, to lead is to serve. As we humble ourselves finding new ways to serve the LORD, He will lift us up to new positions where there is a need. Some will get promotions and pay, others will be in greater teams and initiatives, and many will get the appreciation and gratefulness they so desired and never received. Look around, if you do nothing others will follow. And those left to lead will lose heart dealing with the daunting tasks of life alone. Jesus said the laborers are few but pray to the LORD of the harvest to bring new leaders and strength. There are many who are on the verge of giving up trying to do things by themselves. Trying to save a marriage by themselves. Trying to raise children by themselves. Trying to keep a business afloat by themselves. Trying to lead a team by themselves. Sadly, in the body of Christ many are trying to lead by themselves. They need the full body to work together and fulfill the high calling of Jesus. Too many want the pastors and elders to the work because they get paid to do it. The worker is worthy of their wages. The greater blessing though is to freely serve and not have any strings attached. To help support the fivefold ministry the LORD has raised up. To help the widows and the orphans. And to be unspotted from the world. This takes personal leadership and accountability. The Holy Spirit can give us that. He will show us to serve is too lead. The Spirit of the Christ is in us. And when we are faithful with little, He will give us much. Oh, the joy to hear our LORD say. Well done my good and faithful servant. You were faithful with even the little I gave you. Come inherit the world. At the resurrection of the righteous, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.

Study Matt. 20:26



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