Proverbs of a 41 yr old man
When I pray. When I pray I want to reach the heavens. I want stir the heart of God. I want the LORD Jesus to confess my name before the angels like I confess Him before man. Yes, when I pray I want Holy Spirit to fill me and flow through me his virtue and life. I want God to use my prayers for His Glory. For intercession and to stand in the gap for someone in need. To see faith growing in me and use me to inspire others who don't believe. LORD, if your looking for a willing vessel to pray for someone, Im here. Do your perfect will and work. When I pray I know your working. When I pray I know you are hearing. When I pray it changes things. Prayer changes lives! Praise God the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. Look! Prayer dispatches angels and the enemy flees. Laborers go forth for the harvest when prayer happens. When Gods people humble themselves and pray he forgives sins and heals the land. Prayer is like a seed that is planted or a plant that need watering. Prayer can change a wicked community and neighborhood. When you pray healings can happen. The blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor. Prayer the catalyst that God uses to move in this world. When I stop praying the person in Christ I want to become stops growing. Hunger and thirst for the Living Word decreases. My heart grows cold when I stop praying for others. Unforgiveness and a guilty conscience bear shame and bitterness losing passion to pray. Prayer has to be the anchor in our lives that keeps us connected to God through trials and storms. When we don't pray we forget who we are and what our purpose is in life. The cares of this world drown out our prayers. It's a darkness that creeps in and loss of self control when prayer is neglected. Prayer is like the blood on the doorposts we need to pray and it's of that importance. Prayer is spiritual food we need that does more than anything this world can offer to nourish our spirit and body. God is the God of ultimate possibilities. The ultimate mathematician that when we pray he can do the impossible. He uses our prayers as access to our situations so that we are not destroyed by works of the devil. The enemy of our souls wants to kill, steal, and destroy what God is trying to do in our lives. We must pray.
Study Col. 4:2
