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Proverbs of a 41 yr old man

Mane of authority. One of the most iconic features of the male lion is its mane. Much like a crown, a lion's mane easily identifies it as the “king of beasts,” but there's more to a mane than simply adorning a lion's head. Manes usually start to develop on young males at around two years of age, tying in with puberty. Lions belong to the family of big cats. Lions use their manes, much like the peacocks use their tails. The longer and darker the manes, the more powerful the lion is in the pride. A lion with big and darker manes would typically attract the females. It was believed that manes are used by the lion to protect their necks when they are fighting with other males. However, lions fight by attacking the back and hips. It has been established that the color and size of manes are an indication of a lion’s fitness. Males play a role in defending the pride and their territory. Their territory could be as big as 100 square miles. The females are the hunters in the pride, and they often hunt in a group. However, when an opportunity presents, one lion can hunt on its own. Trying to give some facts so that you can make connections later. Let's start here, Think about this: The only difference between the lion and lioness is the mane. It's not about physicality nor wit nor character. While male lions are often seen as symbols of power, lionesses are the primary hunters and are essential to the survival of the pride. Lion and lioness play their roles and honor each other to thrive. The Mane is not the real Crown on the lions head it's the lioness that is. Without her he is no true lion and without him she is no true lioness. I hope you are seeing a little bit of man and woman in this analogy. A man honors and protects a woman because he comes from woman. And woman honors and respects man because woman was formed from man. And just as a lion and lioness have dominion in the jungle so man and woman come together and have dominion. Each one submitting to one another in their God given roles. God gave man quote "the mane of the authority". God made woman from man and to make them be equal He makes man from woman. But God made man with his personal attributes in mind. He made man physical stronger than a woman but like a lioness she a still a strong hunter and carer of her family. A woman fulfills the role of helper to a man like a lioness to her lion. Men and women are help mates to each other. When either one tries to dominate each other, they lose the dominion that God has called them to walk in. Women have to hold men accountable to their God given authority and not try to take it away from them. They weaken men when stripping them of their mane of authority. If men would walk in their authority women would be lifted up and honored like never before. Their strength and glory come when a man of God gives all his strength to love his wife. It's the opposite of Samson and Delilah. A man giving all his love and strength away to woman and she honors him by receiving it and honoring him with her protective submission. Oh, how beautiful it is when a man and woman love each other. It's the perfect picture of Christs love for his bride the church. For the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. This is pure and holy authority given by God for us to live in. Kings rule but dynasties are built on the shoulders of queens. Jesus has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Study Gen. 2:16-17



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