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Tues morning Zoom Battle prayer. 3/18/25

Tues morning zoom battle prayer is on! Let’s do this! New week, new theme with new topics. Come join with brothers in Christ and let’s grow together in the knowledge of Jesus. The LORD is raising up men that understand the times they are living in and want to pursue stronger relationship with God and each other.

This new week we are starting a new series.

(Scroll down for zoom link)

Overall Topic and Themes: One Hat. Being the same person, the person in Christ every where you go.  Follow me as I follow Christ Theme.

What it means to say, “Do as I do as I follow Christ?"

What was the benefit of saying that:

Trials and Tribulations 

Great works through the Holy Spirit

Knowing GOD intimately 

Leading many to Christ

One day hearing, “Good and faithful servant.”

I am not my own. I’ve been bought at a price.

Follow me as I follow Christ means we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us not just on a Zoom call, but in the home, in every relationship, at work where He is our boss, at church, at play, at the has station, in our neighborhood.

I have been crucified with Christ 

Follow me as I follow Christ means it doesn’t matter what people think about me anymore, only what my Savior says. 

This call is not part-time.

I can’t live it out at church and do what I want at work, at home.

I can no longer say what I want to say. There are great consequences (James 3:1-12)

What it means to be blameless before the Father

Means I am all His. My identity is no longer found in my profession, or my family, what people think of me, what I think of myself.

My identity is found in Christ and Christ alone.

I am not my own. Because of the highest price Christ paid for me,

I surrender my feelings to You Lord Jesus

I surrender my “right” to be offended

I surrender lust

I surrender anger

I surrender envy 

I surrender doubt

I surrender all

Topics for this week.

1. Be Sincere 2. Don't Compromise   3.  There needs to be change

Tues. morning zoom battle prayer link:

5:00am-6:00am. Come and go as you can. See you in the morning. Link is also available on the ministry website

Battle music link for the morning:

Remember battle prayer notes, and video recording are available on ministry forum after zoom session:

Zoom Battle Prayer Monthly Fund:

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