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Tues morning Zoom Battle Prayer 7/11/23

Starting in ten minutes.....

Tuesday morning zoom Battle Prayer is on! Let’s do this! New week, same theme and topic.

Week 2. Come join with brothers in Christ and let’s grow together in the knowledge of Jesus. The LORD is raising up men that understand the times they are living in and want to pursue stronger relationship with God and each other.

Continuing this new week on our new battle series where we read through Scripture and learn together.

Overall Theme: Love without Compromise.

Honor God with your obedience and loyalty to Him.

Topics this new week: Not inquiring of the LORD. Surrounding yourself with people who agree with you. Not listening to God.

King Jehoshaphat and King Ahab (1 Kings 22)

◦ Talk about how the kings are connected (Jehoshaphat was married to Ahab’s daughter)

◦ Talk about their relationship (Jehoshaphat serves the LORD but agrees to assist Ahab even though the prophet of the LORD say Ahab will die in battle)

◦ Discuss the compromises Jehoshaphat made concerning Ahab

◦ Discuss the outcome of those decisions

How can we love others without compromising in our relationships?

The scriptures are full of wisdom of how to keep ourselves from destroying our lives. In fact, God is trying to keep us from destroying ourselves by giving us his laws, his ways, and his teachings. But 1 Kings 22 is going to show us how to destroy our lives. This is going to be shown through the lens of Ahab’s life. We had hoped in 1 Kings 21 that Ahab’s repentance was going to be long-lasting and now he would devote himself to following the Lord. But even after humbling himself after hearing the decree of destruction for himself and his dynasty, Ahab returns to his old ways. Ahab returns to life as it was before. So we are going to consider how to destroy our lives by seeing how Ahab ruins his life after his repentance.

Let's talk in the morning about moving forward without God anyway. Or when we do things half way hoping God will still bless us. The LORD has a way of working out all things for our good if we obey. But when things fall apart by doing what we want to do we then blame God. Let’s ask the LORD to teach us and show us were we are depending on our own flesh than Gods wisdom.

Tues morning zoom battle prayer link:

5:00am-6:00am. Come and go as you can. See you in the morning.

Battle music link for the morning:



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