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Zoom Battle Prayer Nov 30, 2022

Come join a group of men preparing there hearts for spiritual battle. Jesus is our King and we are his prayer warriors. Let's fight for His Kingdom. This is prayer time is for an hour 5:00am-6:00am tues, Weds, fridays. Here is the Zoom Link. All are welcomed around the world.

The LORD is raising up his army!

Zoom Battle Prayer Notes from Nov. 30, 2022

Have reverent fear and awe for our salvation bought with the precious blood of Jesus.

God can do in an instance what you can do in in human effort 20 years.

After the fall of Eden work become toil.

We work for a higher purpose and work for God.

The Sabbath a day of rest. We need to rest from our labors.

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.

People tend to be workaholics. We need to work hard only to pursue Christ. Everything else will be added.

Everything you do ask God first.

The Father works for us.  Good men — men loved, equipped, and sent by God — work hard, but not in vain. They build, and watch, and work as if the God of heaven and earth works for them — because he does. God “acts for those who wait for him” (Isaiah 64:4). Good men know that unless the Lord works in, and through, and over their work, they accomplish nothing truly meaningful or lasting.

Scripture encourages us to work “for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23). This means that our motivation to work is driven by our Father’s character and his commands. As bearers of his image, we work because our Creator works. We want to be like our Father. At the same time, he also commands us to work. As our Father, we trust that his commands are good for us, and as his servants we work to please our true and gracious Father...we work to imitate the Father.

Do not neglect the work at home. Read Psalm 127:2-5.  Notice how the psalm speaks directly to the man, “Blessed is the man . . .” God wants men, in particular, to feel the awesome burden (“from the Lord”) and immense pleasure (“the fruit of the womb a reward”) of having a family and raising the next generation. The souls God assigns to our homes are worth our best work — and certainly not just the leftovers.  We feel the tension that many men feel today. We tend to think the hottest fires, the most fruitful fields, the most pressing priorities are somewhere out there — on the battlefield, where the war is waged, or at the gate, where disputes were judged and conflicts resolved. But working hard to raise faithful children will make a man all the more dangerous on the battlefield (“like arrows in the hand of a warrior”) and all the more compelling at the gate (“he shall not be put to shame”). In the wisdom of God, working hard and investing well at home will make a man that much more effective everywhere else.

In Philippians 2:12-13, Paul writes, “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose.”

We are meant to work with the LoRd in the garden daily.

Colossians 3:23-25 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Pray for to the LORD of the harvest. Send out his laborers.

We discover God more when we work for him and get to know him.

We cannot bear the fruit but we can harvest.

Let’s partner with the LORD in the Gospel.

If we are not engaged in work it becomes easy to be overwhelmed by the work that needs to be done.

Hands to the plow brothers.

Without Christ we can do nothing. God wants to be apart of everything we do.

We work because we need to eat. The same is true with Spiritual food. We put in the work so that we can eat spiritual food has for us. His presence is our reward. Thank you for the Holy Spirit as our helper and guides us to work.

Thank you for the ability to work.

Working out physically builds physical strength and brings us food to eat. Working out spiritually builds spiritual strength and feeds our souls. Thank you for the work God! Amen.

The Holy Spirit shows us how to work if we seek Gods wisdom.

Nehemiah building the wall. The exiles of Israel were commanded to build up there homes. The wall was being built to protect the people building, till it was built there were people called to stand in the gap.

When we work are able to make a safe place and give provision for our families.

Jesus is able to take the burden off of work. And actually enjoy work. Work becomes something we have we want to do and not that we have to do.

Thank you Lord for giving us joy in your work being done through us! Amen.

Practice the presence of the God. Early in the morning start.

The LORD lives to revive contrite hearts! Is 57

Be about your fathers business! Work along side him.

Everything we do we do it to the glory!



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